I ordered the moto:bit from Sparkfun.
I wanted to build a robot for my daughter’s Girl Scout troop to play with. One thing I needed was a way to make the BBC Microbit’s sound functions audible to a room full of 9 year old girls. I didn’t find anything that was as small and loud as I wanted so I build my own.
Top: Sparkfun Redbot Buzzer – This was just the wrong part. It isn’t really designed to be a speaker.
Middle: The first prototype – A dismal failure.
Bottom: Success! – Loud and small.
Below you see the v1 PCB, which was the dismal failure, retrofitted to prove the new speaker design for the next version. From there I breadboarded the LM48310 audio power amplifier circuit hooking it up to the PUI Audio AS02008MO-R speaker glued to this board.