A very simple build has turned into one of the most used things I’ve made for my family. This little toy has become my son’s night light which he turns on, adjusts, and goes to sleep with every night.
The idea came to me when I was browsing Adafruit and I came across the NeoPixel wing. After building the Minty Punk Console I discovered my son really likes twiddling knobs so I decided to build a night-light for him with a twist: instead of the traditional R, G, and B levels most multi-colour lights would expose as controls I gave him Hue, Saturation, and Value knobs. I thought it would be interesting for him to grow up with an intuitive knowledge of this less common colour system.
The night light is made out of four things all stacked on top of each other:
1. The Adafruit u32 Feather
2. A proto wing with three Bourns 10K pots featuring beautiful Kilo knobs.
3. The Neo Pixel feather wing.
4. A block of acrylic sanded to diffuse light.
You can see the rough Arduino code I whipped up on GitHub.